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How Does the Illinois Dram Shop Law Work?

 Posted on February 08, 2022 in Personal Injury

rolling meadows car accident injury lawyerWhen you think about the health risks associated with consuming too much alcohol, you might think of issues such as high blood pressure or liver disease. Health conditions such as these, however, are just some of the countless ways that alcohol abuse can lead to injuries or death. Injuries related to alcohol, including those resulting from car crashes, falls, or violence, are quite common. In addition, international statistics indicate that about 3.2 percent of deaths worldwide are linked to alcohol.

If you have been hurt in an accident related to alcohol, you have the right to file a personal injury claim against the party whose alcohol use caused the incident. However, in some cases, you might also be able to bring a claim against an establishment that served the party alcohol. Such claims may be filed under what are known as the Illinois Dram Shop laws.  

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When Anesthesiologists are Negligent in Illinois

 Posted on January 28, 2022 in Medical Malpractice

shutterstock_1775672729.jpgSurgery, in general, is risky but having a competent surgeon and anesthesiologist should never be a concern for a patient. Unfortunately, there are examples of patients being injured because of an anesthesiologist’s medical negligence. The patient is the victim in these instances and the anesthesiologist could be held liable for any injuries or illnesses resulting from anesthesia error.

Different Forms of Anesthesia

Each type of anesthesia is designed to help keep you comfortable and pain-free while being operated on. Depending on the severity of your surgery, there are different types and levels of anesthesia that would be administered, including:

  • General Anesthesia – The most common anesthesia used for major surgeries and is administered by an anesthesiologist through either a mask or IV into your vein. The anesthesiologist will monitor the patient’s vital signs throughout the duration of the operation.

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My Infant Suffered a Brachial Plexus Birth Injury. Can I Sue?

 Posted on January 27, 2022 in Uncategorized

shutterstock_556631113-1.jpg Birth injuries can often be life-changing for both the affected child and his or her entire family. In some cases, birth injuries are caused by negligent doctors, nurses or hospital staff involved with the birthing process or infant care. Labor and delivery negligence can lead to injuries such as brachial plexus birth palsy. When looking to file for malpractice and receive compensation for a birth injury, it is important to find an attorney that is skilled in personal injury representation. 

What Is a Brachial Plexus Injury?

The brachial plexus is a nerve system located within the shoulder that extends down through the spine and into the arms and hands. When trauma occurs to the shoulder area, this nerve can become damaged leading to significant and lasting effects within the body. 

Brachial plexus nerve damage during birth (Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury) often occurs in larger babies. The top of the head gets pulled away from the neck leading to strain on the shoulder and neck nerves. Breech babies, women in extended labor and babies stuck under the pelvis bone for long periods of time are all at risk for a brachial plexus injury. This injury can lead to lasting medical conditions including:

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Financial Compensation for Car Accident Victims in Arlington Heights, Illinois

 Posted on January 18, 2022 in Car Accident

shutterstock_1154932237.jpgThe cost of a single car accident can be substantial but if you are not the at-fault driver, then you should not be the one paying for it. Expenses can add up quickly when it comes to medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering associated with being injured in a serious car wreck. The compensation process can be very difficult, so knowing how to go about getting what you deserve as a victim is essential. If the pain or soreness after an accident lasts for an extended period of time, you may also need to take action against the at-fault driver and his or her insurance company.

Illinois is an “At-Fault” State

In the state of Illinois, if you are not the one responsible for causing an accident, then you may be able to recieve financial compensation for expenses stemming from the wreck. In order to pursue compensation, you will likely need to file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. If you cannot recover adequate compensation through an insurance claim, you may need to file a civil lawsuit. In some cases, a car accident victim may be compensated by the at-fault driver’s employer or even a member of the at-fault driver’s household.

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Suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury While Working in Illinois

 Posted on January 06, 2022 in Workers' Compensation

illinois workers comp lawyerSuffering an injury of any kind at work can be life-altering, and knowing what to do next to protect yourself is essential. Going through the process of a workers’ compensation brain injury case can be very arduous and complex. The process is lengthy because traumatic brain injuries take time to develop and properly diagnose. Most common workplace injuries are preventable but being mindful of any symptoms you may be noticing after an accident and knowing your legal rights if those symptoms continue to worsen is critical.

 Most Common Workplace Injuries

Any injury involving your brain, skull, or scalp is categorized as a head injury. The most common ways these workplace injuries occur are:

  • Falling from a height — Falling a significant height off a ladder, roof, or scaffolding can cause serious and sometimes fatal head injuries. Even a fall from a few feet can cause a traumatic brain injury.

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What Are the Most Common Types of Surgical Errors?

 Posted on December 27, 2021 in Medical Malpractice

arlington heights medical malpractice attorneysPatients who undergo surgical procedures expect medical professionals to follow the proper procedures and take all necessary steps to protect their health and safety. Surgeons must receive extensive education and training to ensure that they can perform procedures correctly, and all medical personnel who are involved in surgery are required to follow standardized practices to protect against infections or other issues that could harm a patient. Unfortunately, surgical errors sometimes occur, and patients who are injured because of medical malpractice may be able to receive financial compensation that will address the ways they have been affected by the negligence of medical professionals.

Forms of Negligence That Can Lead to Surgical Errors and Patient Injuries

Medical malpractice involves any situations where doctors, surgeons, hospital personnel, or other medical providers deviate from the accepted standard of care and cause patients to suffer harm. Since surgical procedures can be invasive, patients may be seriously injured due to malpractice. Many of the most common surgical errors involve procedures that are performed incorrectly. These issues may include:

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Common Types of Bone Fractures in Personal Injury Cases

 Posted on December 21, 2021 in Personal Injury

arlington heights personal injury attorneyWhen a person is injured because of someone else’s actions or negligence, they can take legal action to pursue financial compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit. These cases can address multiple types of catastrophic injuries. Broken bones are one issue that may need to be addressed, and depending on the severity of a fracture, a person may require extensive medical treatment, and their ability to work and perform daily tasks may be affected. By understanding the different types of bone fractures, their causes, and the forms of treatment that may be needed, an injury victim can take steps to ensure that they will be properly compensated for their damages.

Treatment for Different Types of Broken Bones

Bone fractures can range from relatively mild to severe. Common types of fractures include:

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How Can a Herniated Disc Injury Affect a Car Accident Victim?

 Posted on December 09, 2021 in Personal Injury

rolling meadows personal injury lawyerA car accident can cause a great deal of trauma to a person’s body. The impact that occurs when one vehicle collides with another may force body parts into unnatural positions or cause jolting or wrenching motions that can lead to multiple types of bodily injuries. Some of the most serious injuries that can occur in a collision may affect the spinal cord, and they may lead to chronic pain, loss of range of motion, or paralysis. If a spine injury results in herniated discs, a person will want to understand how this may affect their long-term health, the types of treatment that may be necessary, and their options for receiving compensation for their damages.

What Is a Herniated Disc?

The vertebrae in the spinal cord are separated by soft discs that provide a cushion and allow a person to move their upper body into different positions. When a person experiences trauma, such as the impact of a car accident, these discs may be damaged. Torn or ruptured discs may result in a loss of cushioning, causing the bones in the spine to grind together and potentially resulting in pinched nerves. Damage to discs may cause them to bulge, placing pressure on the spinal cord or other nerves.

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How Can Meconium Aspiration Affect Newborns in Illinois?

 Posted on December 03, 2021 in Medical Malpractice

schaumburg birth injury attorneyEven though childbirth is a common medical procedure that is performed in hospitals on a daily basis, there are a variety of issues that can arise during labor and delivery that may result in birth injuries. If doctors, nurses, or other personnel that assist with childbirth do not take the correct measures to address complications or respond to potential concerns, a child or mother may suffer serious harm. Meconium aspiration is one issue that staff members should be aware of, and it can lead to a variety of health concerns for a child.

What Is Meconium Aspiration?

The first stool that a child passes after being born consists of meconium, which is a thick, tar-like substance. In some cases, a child may pass meconium while still in the womb. When meconium becomes mixed with the amniotic fluid, the child may inhale or aspirate this substance into their lungs during labor and delivery. This can lead to a condition known as meconium aspiration syndrome.

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Can Service Members Sue the U.S. Military for Medical Malpractice?

 Posted on November 19, 2021 in Medical Malpractice

Schaumburg Military Medical Malpractice LawyerFor the past several decades, members of the military who are on active duty have been unable to pursue personal injury lawsuits against the U.S. government based on injuries or other forms of harm they suffered during their service. However, this changed in 2019 when Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act, which contained provisions allowing service members to file claims seeking compensation for medical malpractice. In June of 2021, the Department of Defense issued new regulations detailing the procedures that will be followed in these types of claims.

Pursuing Compensation for Medical Malpractice at a Military Hospital

Active-duty service members can pursue medical malpractice claims for most injuries or illnesses that occurred because of treatment at a medical facility from a health care provider working for the Department of Defense, as long as the injury was “incident to service.” This includes treatment provided at hospitals or medical centers, but not treatment provided in the field, such as on a ship or plane or at a battalion aid station. 

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